Available Devices

Two spectroscopy devices are available:

a low resolution prism spectroscope

From technical perspective and looking at the straigt setup it looks like to be a spectroscope using a Amici prism which is essentially a combination of 3 prism. Two of them - the first and the last has a medium dispersion like Crown glas and the prism in the middle has a high dispersion like Flint glas 

Amici Prism
The way how light travels through a Amici Prism
"B", "R", "G" is the path for blue, red and green light. The light blue prism are those with lower and the light yellow one with higher dispersion.


The Camera Frontend
The Slit Frontend
Looking into the Inside
The 100 Mue slit
SBIG STL 11000 mounted to the spectroscope 
Captured spectrum of an engery saver lamp

- a medium resolution prism spectroscope


(under construction - more to come)