T Corona Borealis (T CrB) is a cataclymic binary star classfied as recurrent nova. A first outburst was observed in 1866 by John Birmingham. Potentially earlier outbursts may have been observed in CY 1217 and 1787 as well. In CY 1946 a flare up has been observed which leads to the theory of a period of rougly 80 years in which outburst can be expected.
Therefore, it was predicted that in CY 2024 a new outburst can be expected.
This time a spectrum of 28 Cygni.
This star is also known as V1624 Cyg is a binary system with a subdwarf O star detected by interferometry.
Despite bad waether conditions, I got the chance to take a spectrum one more Be-Star: Psi Per.
A recently performed spectra of Delta Scopii (Dschubba) with a C11 and a high resolution spectrograf.